Wednesday, June 22, 2011

With Me

Heard this wonderful little bit in a sermon today....struck me hard, haven't been able to shake it so instead, I will share it.

Exodus 3:11-12

Picture this:  the Israelites are in bondage in Egypt.  Moses is now a grown man with a wife and son.  He's assuming he is to settle in Midian, this land that is foreign to him.  But God hears the cries of the Israelites in their slavery.  He remembers His covenant with them.  He is concerned about them.  God has chosen Moses to lead them out of their bondage.  He appears to Moses in a burning bush.  He speaks to Moses, telling him that He is sending him to Pharaoh to bring the Israelites out of Egypt.

What is Moses' response?

"Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?"

And God said, " I will be with you."

Did you see what happened there?  God didn't build Moses up.  He didn't say, "You can do this!" or " I believe in you!" He didn't tell Moses what a great guy he was or how wonderful he was.  He didn't reflect on what a good father or husband he happened to be.  He did nothing to build up Moses' self-esteem.  He didn't respond with flowery speeches meant to motivate Moses into setting out on this mission with fervor.

"I will be with you."

Oh my.  Isn't that really all we need?

When I say to God,
"Who am I, that I should be qualified to do this?"
"Who am I, that I should do this?"
"Who am I, that I should want to do this?"
"Who am I, that I could be of any help?"
"Who am I, that anyone will listen?"
"Who am I, that I could make a difference?"
"Who am I, that anyone will care?"

God replies simply,

"I will be with you."

He will be with me.  

I find it unimaginably wonderful that He will be with me.  I won't be doing this alone.  Actually, I won't really be doing it at all, I will simply be the vessel through which He works.

As a side note:  this didn't end Moses' questioning.  You can read all about it yourself as you follow through Exodus.  But God was good then to Moses, and He is good to me here and now.  He will be good to the future generations and one day, one day, we will all dance and sing together with Him in our midst at the wedding supper of the Lamb.

Praise Jesus.  He is with us.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing this today. God is with ME. Even in the midst of these trials that seemingly have no end. Thank you also, for being so fervent in your prayers for this girl you met only once! I am wonderfully blessed to have met you. :)
